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  • Writer's pictureJoe

Embrace Me

His left hand would be under my head. His right hand would embrace me. Song of Solomon 8:3

Embrace me, O Lord, in your loving arms

Hold me close to thee as I walk with you holding my hand

Embrace me when I need thy touch to comfort and console me

Walk before me, O Lord, that I may not stumble

Lift me up when I am down

Embrace me when I fail you, Lord

Give me they mercy and grace, so I can show thy love and mercy to others

Speak thru me, O Lord, so I might tell thy truth to all

Embrace me, Lord as I journey through this life until I can reach eternity someday

I'm not worthy to behold thy face, O Lord

Let me lift up my voice and hands as I praise you in all thy glory

Embrace me always, Lord that I feel thy presence til the day comes when I'm with you

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