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Emotions!! The Right Way to Care

Updated: Nov 10, 2023

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

Everyone experiences emotions. That is one thing that makes us human. God didn't make us to be robots. He gave us the ability to feel. Emotions can vary from being very good like happiness, excitement, surprised, etc. to being very bad like anger, sad, depression.

While it is good to have emotions, sometimes having them can be bad especially when we let them get out of hand. I know that I am very guilty of this. Anyone that knows me that I have the biggest heart of anyone and that I wear it on my sleeve so to speak. I feel everything so deeply, the good and the bad. This has gotten me into trouble many times. I'll be the first to admit that I can make some bad choices when I get too emotional especially when I'm feeling hurt or scared.

I have always been one to care greatly especially for family and friends. I really am that sweet guy as some people tell me. However, I've realized that I have gotten so used to that that I sometimes expect everyone to see me like that which is wrong. It's like I should be that sweet guy by default. Not everyone sees people the same though. It is important to not only guard your own feelings but to also take the other person's feelings into account as well. Instead of people trying to get each other to understand each other more than one another, we should work to understand each other equally. We all have faults. No one is perfect but that's what makes each one of us unique.

It is important to keep one's emotions in check. As it says in Jeremiah 17:9, “The heart is deceitful above all things, And desperately wicked; Who can know it?" People always say listen to your heart but sometimes it is best to also think about your words and actions and how they can affect others. Just because it feels right to you doesn't mean that others will see it the same way. Your thoughts and heart must work together and take the other person's heart into account as well.

Most importantly, I've learned that is important to be careful of one's emotions and feel in a way that Jesus would. Since I've became a Christian, I try my best to not only feel but also to think about how I should act and the words I should say. I'm not gonna lie. It's not easy and I have failed at it many times, but I keep trying. It's like a friend of mine says, one should hold every thought captive and think to himself/herself, "Is this a thought that I should be having? Would Jesus think this?" The same is true of one's actions. If you don't think Jesus would do something then you shouldn't do it either. As Christians, we are supposed to live just like Jesus did. Others should be able to look at us and be like, "You know what, that guy/gal must be a Christian!" You never know the impact you could have on someone without not even knowing it. We are suppose to be the example of how to live.

Thoughts/Comments?! Please share!! God bless you!!

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You are a very insightful person. As a woman, I know that I can be emotional. You would not have wanted to been around me when I was expecting with my children. I was an emotional wreck...LOL. I can be very emotional at times. I also wear my heart on my sleeve. I care deeply for others as God wants us all to.

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