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Happy Birthday Jesus and Merry Christmas!

For to us a child is born, to us a son is given, and the government will be on his shoulders. And he will be called Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace. Isaiah 9:6

What Christmas means to me? Jesus....The End!

Nah, I'm not done.

Christians like me know that the true meaning of Christmas is to celebrate Jesus's Birthday. The truth is though that we should not just celebrate Him on this holiday but every single day of the year. Personally, considering that He gave His life to not only save my life but the life of everyone, that speaks volumes. I not only want to celebrate His love every day but every minute of the day. Being human, that is like impossible but if I could, I definitely would do it. I can't do enough for Him!

For many people, Christmas is only about the decorations, getting gifts, Santa Clause, spending time with family that you may not have seen in a long time. As fun as those things can be, those things are still not what's most important. Like the saying says, Jesus is the reason for the season! It is so true! Many times, people get so caught up in these others things that they forget that Jesus should be the real reason to be celebrating Christmas. Unfortunately, many people get so stressed out during this time of year when the best thing that they could actually do is turn their focus on Jesus.

In today's society, Christmas has become so commercialized. People are so caught up in running to the stores to buy presents especially at the last minute when instead they should be running to Jesus. Because of this it is clear that Satan is using Christmas to his advantage and there are so many people that do not realize that they are doing wrong and missing out on the greatest gift that they could ever receive, that gift being Jesus.

Something that I have never liked is when people say X-Mas instead of Christmas. Christ must stay in Christmas because He is what the season is about. Unfortunately, we live in a world where there will be people who do not believe in Jesus and they will try to drive Him away. I've seen it many times. There are places that have gone as far as saying Happy Holidays instead of Merry Christmas. That isn't right. They say that they do it because they don't want to offend anyone but many times it is simple because they do not want Jesus around which is a shame. Christians, myself included, know that it is our responsibility to spread Jesus's love to others regardless of what others may think. We know that we may be ridiculed for it but it doesn't matter. Jesus suffered the worse kind of beating and died on the cross for everyone so that we may be forgiven for our sins. That is enough for me to want to do everything I can to show others and Him that I love Him so much and to also show others than He is the one thing that can make them truly happy in life as well.

Many people will do everything that they can to celebrate their own birthday but then they aren't willing to do the same for Jesus's birthday. That's a very sad truth. I'm going to celebrate His birthday because it is not just the Christian thing to do but also because I have such a strong love for Him because He has an even greater love for me. I may not have a big family since it will just be my mom and my dog, Lily, but that is all that I need.

To Christians, Christmas tends to serve as a reminder that they should be living their lives in a way that is pleasing to Jesus as well as God. I do not need a reminder and I pray and hope that I never do. Sadly, sometimes though even Christians get caught up in the Christmas madness and they even lose sight of what's important and maybe without realizing it, sometimes Jesus gets put in second place when He should always be number one.

Let's remember that Jesus is the reason for the season!!!

Happy Birthday Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love you and I am so thankful for everything that you have done and continue to do for me!!


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