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Thank You Bestie/Sis

Therefore encourage one another and build one another up, just as you are doing. ! Thessalonians 5:11

This blog post is going to me continuing to thank people who are important to me and that I love. This one is going to be about my best friend who is so much like my sister that you would never know that we weren't related. We are so much like brother and sister that it is ridiculous. I mean, my best friend and me are like burgers and fries, peanut butter and jelly, ham and cheese, or even like chips and salsa. Mmmmm, that'd be so good right now! We are so tight.

So my best friend and me met in a yahoo chat room like 20 years ago. Who here remembers those? Does anybody remember those? I mean anybody around my age would, but this was like back in the day like when dinosaurs were around lol. It's not quite that long. That woud be like my mother's age lol but yea we met in a chat room. We clicked immediately. We instantly just started talking. It started out just like chit-chat, but before long, we were talking just as like we had known each other for years. Of course with me being me, I was sweet to her. She denied like it of course. Til this day, she denies it. She's like, "I don't care". She has that heart of gold but also has that country attitude. Til this day, I still don't know how I got past it, but I did.

So I remember when we first met in person, I was nervous. As soon as we started talking, we were just us. She actually hit me like in a friend way. She has a mean right hook. She left a frog in my arm lol. Thanks Sis! It was the most natural thing in the world. So we may not get to hang out that often because she lives far off. She lives about two and a half hours from me. Neither one of us has the money to vist. That doesn't affer our friendship at all. As far as we're both concerned, we are family to each other and not just best friends. We both have always agreed that blood doesn't make one family. Blood doesn't mean squat! Most of my relatives aren't even family to me.

When I say hey to her, I don't usually even call her by her name. I'm usually like, "Hey Sis, what's up?". She doesn't say, "Hey bro". but she still claims me as her brother. Whenever she calls me either boy or dude, I know that I'm in a trouble. That's when she's about to fuss at me about something. We don't ever argue in a real way. We only argue in a friend way. The only thing that we have ever argued about is whether or not we're going to share a room in the crazy house lol. I tell her, "Sis you know that you can't hurt me right since we'd both be wearing a straight jacket!". She'll tell me that she'll head butt me lol. That's how we are. She can come off as mean, but she only is in that sister kind of way. She's not even that bad. She doesn't even tell me to shut up hardly any more. She used to tell me to shut up alot. She does send me the hand in the face or eyes rolling emojiis alot though these days lol Jesus has really mellowed her out. Yep, she's going to kill me for telling that.

I am so proud of my bestie for the person that she has always been. She has always been a great person. I'm so proud of the person that she is now. She loves Jesus so much. She's always getting onto me like, "Boy, you better be putting your worries into God's hands". Her love for Jesus and God makes me love her as my best friend and sister so much more.

My sister too is such a great mom. She has three girls and one boy. Of course, I love them as my nieces and my nephew. They're great kids. They're just like her which is both awesome and terrifying lol. She loves her kids so much. I remember each time that she has ever talked about them in a positive way when she's not being driven nuts by them, her face would light up. Whenever I was on the phone with her, I could hear the excitement of being their mom and her love for them in her voice.

So it's time to get to the thank you part of this post. I could go on and on about our backstory. We've know each other for twenty years afterall. She is just so awesome. We have plenty of best friend stories that I could tell.

I want to thank my bestie/sis for always being here for me. Besides Jesus, she is a person who has always been here for me and always have had my back. I remember when we lost my dad. I was on the phone with her. I didn't have to ask her to come to the funeral. She immediately told me that she would come to the funeral as soon as I knew when it was going to be. Til this day, I can't even begin to tell her how much that meant to me just with her saying that and then having her at the funeral. Her doing that means so much to me. Sis, I love you. That really meant the world to me. I couldn't have gotten through that day without you.

I thank my sister for all the laughs and good times that we have shared. We have talked about so many weird and crazy things over the years. There have been so many days where I would be having a bad day and just one simple talk with my best friend and my sister would make that day so much better.

I thank her for every time that she has checked on my mom and me whether we were sick or whether there has been bad weather around.

I thank her for putting up with me during all the good times as well as the bad times. I thank her for putting up with me when I was in a bad mood or when I would complain about something.

I thank her for reminding me that I should be living my life in a way that Jesus would want me to.

I thank my sister for always being honest with me. My bestie's honesty is off the charts! I can literally ask this girl what she is up to, and if she's on the toilet taking a dump, that is exactly what she tells me lol. That is why we have always been best friends. We're always honest about everything whether it's about what we're thinking or what we're feeling.

I haven't told her this, but my sister is my role model. I wish that I was more like her. The way that she loves Jesus is so inspiring. I am so proud of you Sis for finding and loving Jesus. I'm also proud of the mother that you are so don't you ever doubt how good of a mother that you are. I know you better than anyone. You are a great mom because you will actually call your kids your friends. That's a rare thing. You have already done the best thing that you could ever do for those kids and that is to accept Jesus into your heart. That makes you a great mom!

I thank my sister/bestie for all the great memories and the constant love that she gives to me even when she treatens to beat me up sometimes.

In closing, I love you Sis always and forever! I promise to always be here for you and your family so don't you ever hesistate to come to me. I love you!

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