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Thank You Godly Sister

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

In this post, I'm going to say thank you to yet another one of my sweet sisters. Just like another of my sweet sisters, this one is also always so sweet to people.

I have known this sister for a little more than a year now. She is another girl that I also have met when she first came to our church as a new girl in our church's recovery program. During that time, I saw her change from being an ex addict that was so lost to an amazing young lady who loves Jesus very much!

Just like my other sister, this one also has a great love for others as well as Jesus. I'm going to have to brag on her for a bit. I remember when I first met her, I knew there was something special about her. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was Jesus that was in her. Then there's her testimony! She gave the most inspiring and touching testimony that I have ever heard in my entire life! Before she found Jesus, she wasn't a good person but through the love of her family, so many church people, and of course God, she has grown into an amazing Christian young lady. If I had not known about her past, I would have thought that this girl has been a Christian since birth! Her faith is that strong! She is literally the greatest miracle that I have ever witnessed!

She is such a great Christian that she'd help anyone just like Jesus would. I see Jesus in her all the time at our church. Like my other sweet sister, this sister also is serving and living her life in a way that is pleasing to God. I also wish that I was like this sister too because she is so much like Jesus. Seeing the person that she has become has inspired me to work on my own relationship with God. She puts the word NEW in new creation because when we are saved, we are literally like a new creation. We are born again as a better person that loves and serves Jesus.

She also has a cute kid. She told me once that he's a good kid. I know that she's a great mom to him because she has already done the greatest thing that she could do for him and that is to let God into her heart. I claim him as my nephew of course.

I want to say thank you to this sweet sister too for being my friend too. I also look forward to getting to know her more!

I promise to love you with all of my heart for the rest of our lives. I promise to always believe in you and be here for you.

I am so proud of you my sweet sister for turning your life around and for being such a sweet amazing young lady who loves God!

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