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Thank You Mom

Honor her for all that her hands have done, and let her works bring her praise at the city gate. Proverbs 31:31

Continuing with my thank you posts, I'd like to thank my mom for all that she has done and continues to do.

As children, we tend to not realize how much our parents put into raising us to be great people. It's not til we get older that we realize this. I may not be a parent myself, but I know that my mom has worked hard to raise me to be a good person that God would be proud of. I can only hope that I will be a great parent like my mom has been to me. We may not always get along especially since we're so much alike, but we continue to love one another just like a mother and son should.

I admit that I may not always say thank you for every single thing that my mom has done and continue to do for me. More than anything, I thank her for loving me even when it is hard. I am not the perfect son because I'm a person. We are not perfect.

I thank my mom for always being here in my life and looking out for me. As a kid, I may not have gotten all the material luxuries or gotten to go out as much as other kids my age, but I see that as a blessing in disguise. My mom taught me that things like that doesn't matter.

What does matter is that I recognize that I have a God in heaven that loves me no matter how many times I mess up. My mom has always been like my personal cheerleader and has encouraged me to live my life in a way that would be pleasing to God.

Several years ago, my mom taught Sunday school. I learned many important life lessons during that time. My mom taught me to love God and others over myself. I thank her for that.

During my school years, I thank mom for all the help she gave me with my homework when she could help. We all know that school things can be complicated for the older folks. I was the school nerd so homework wasn't that bad for me.

I thank my mom for all the meals that she has cooked for me even when she didn't feel like cooking. My mom CAN COOK! I wouldn't be here if she couldn't lol.

Speaking of not being here, I thank my mom for giving birth to me. I probably should've mentioned that first lol. My mom has always told me that I was a big baby so it hurt alot. I'm sorry, mom lol, but I thank you for enduring that pain to bring me into this world.

I thank my mom for all the times she has done my laundry. Let's face it, we don't want me to be walking around the house in the nude. It would not be pretty lol.

I also thank my mom for making sure I always wore a coat when it was cold outside. I thank her too for being here for me whenever I was sick and for taking care of me during those times. I know that it couldn't have been easy. I know that us men can be such babies when we are sick!

I thank my mom for all the times that she has ridden with me while I have been out on the road whether it's been trips to the doctor or other things.

My mom and me may argue and disagree at times, but we NEVER forget that we love each other. I can't thank you enough for loving me even during those moments.

If I thanked my mom for every single thing that she has done for me, I'd be here all day!


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