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Thank You Sweet Sister

A sweet friendship refreshes the soul. Proverbs 27:9

In this blog post, I'm going to say thank you to another one of my sisters. This is going to be about my sweet sister. When I say sweet, this sister is VERY SWEET! For my birthday, she did not only give me a birthday card but also had all of the ladies from our church recovery program to sign it with sweet messages. That was so sweet of her to do that! It means alot to me! She is so sweet to my mom and me as well as others. I remember a time that she saw me and couldn't talk right then. As soon as she could, she came to find me to say hey and give me a hug. Again, that was so sweet of her!

I have only known my sweet sister for around maybe a year and a half or so. In that time, she has shown me so much love. I first met her when she first came to our church as a new girl in our church's recovery program. During that time, I saw her change from being an ex addict that was so lost to an incredible young lady who loves Jesus very much!

Her love for others and Jesus really is great! I honestly wish I was more like her. Her faith in Jesus is so strong! I can pick on her doing the big brother thing telling her that no one better mess with her or I'll beat them up. She'll be like, "That's not what Jesus would do". Of course, I know that. I just be having my brother moments.

My sweet sister also has such a cute daughter! I totally claim that kid as my niece! When she gets her daughter back hopefully in a few weeks, mom has already said that she's going to spoil her. I've said that I'm going to brainwash the kid into calling me Uncle Joe lol.

I want to say thank you to my sweet sister for all the sweet thoughts and conversations that we have shared. I look forward to getting to know her even more!

I am so proud of you my sweet sister for turning your life around and for being such a sweet incredible young lady!

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