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Thank You God

Give thanks to the Lord, for he is good; his love endures forever. 1 Chronicles 16:34

So with Thanksgiving coming up, I wanted to write some blog posts thanking different people in my life that I love. Too many times in life, we take others for granted. Every day, we should take a moment to thank others who have always been there for us.

In this first post, more than anyone I want to thank God. Without Him, I would not even be here. It is amazing to think about how God created so many different things from all kinds of people, different animals, to even the world itself. What's even cooler is thinking about how He decided, "Ya know what, I think I'll create Joe!". Like a girl said in a movie, the same God that created the heavens and the earth and even entire galaxies is the same God that knows me by name. That just blows my mind sometimes!

There are times when I do wonder why I am here, but God reminds me everyday that even I have a purpose in this life. He created all of us to spread His love.

There are also times when I feel worthless, but God reminds me that to Him I am always worthy. He loves me as well as everyone so much that He sent His son, Jesus down from heaven to this ole crappy Earth to save all of us from our sins. I remember that each day, and I am so thankful that God loves me that much to do that. I know without that love and Jesus, I'd be going to hell. We all would be. What really blows my mind is that God loves us even when we mess up and don't show that love back to Him.

I can't say thank you enough to God for loving me so much for sending Jesus to save me from my sins. I know that I'd be so lost right now had He not done that. Thank you God though those words don't seem like enough.

God is the ultimate parent! He watches over us ALL THE TIME! I know there have been many times that I honestly don't think I'd even be alive if it wasn't for Him. For example, I have been driving and very easily could've been in a wreck, but a quick swerve or another look in the back mirror kept me from getting hit by another car. I know that was God protecting me. I thank Him every day for that.

Speaking of parents, I only have my mom now since we lost my dad a few years ago. Please pray for us during the holidays as it is always hard without him being here with us to celebrate. We know that he is with us though in spirit. I remember when we first lost him, I blamed God for taking him. That's a normal reaction though. It's all part of the mourning. I know and understand that God had a reason for that. In fact, that's the thing that happened that eventually brought me to God and asked Him to come into my life. It took a few years, but losing my dad did bring me to Jesus because I knew that I could not get through that pain without having Him in my heart. I look back on that awful event now as a blessing in disguise. I thank God for that. It's like that saying, "God takes what was meant for evil and turns it into something good." I truly believe that is what He did when He took my dad.

For anyone interested in more information about that, my testimony can be found here.

I thank God for allowing me to have such a good mom though we may drive each other nuts sometimes. I thank Him for allowing me to have such good friends as well. Three of them are also like sisters so I always thank Him for that too. I think about how some people don't have anyone to love them. I am so blessed to have people that do.

I could go on and on about how thankful I am to God about so many more things, but I'd be here all day!

Let us all remember to thank God not just during the holidays but every day of our lives! He loves us all so much! We are His children!

THANK YOU GOD for creating me, loving me, defending me even against myself, protecting me, and so much more!

God bless each person that reads my blog! Thank you too!

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